Humans have always been fascinated by labyrinths. For thousands of years, the labyrinth in European culture has symbolized the human journey through life, and throughout history, people have sought to uncover its solution.
Ancient people searched for the ultimate truth, medieval people sought eternal salvation, and modern people seek to find their own "self." For all of them, the path seems to lead through a labyrinth.
When mentioning the word “labyrinth,” most people think of intricate pathways where one can get lost. However, there are also other types of labyrinths where getting lost is not possible.
Labyrinths vary greatly, appear in many forms, and are made from many different materials.
Labyrinths exist in many different cultures and countries.
The oldest type of labyrinth was laid in stone as far back as the Bronze Age.
The second oldest type is church labyrinths, inlaid in tiles on medieval church floors in the 13th century. In Denmark, they were created as fresco paintings in the 15th century.
The third type is hedge mazes, which were established in castle and manor gardens between the 15th and 17th centuries. Today, there are also other variations, some of which have specific rules to be followed in order to solve the labyrinth’s mystery.
Der skelnes traditionelt mellem 2 typer af labyrinter: Labyrinter med én vej og labyrinter med flere veje.
Er den aller ældste form for labyrinter. Der er 2 karakteristiske grundtyper (efter udformningen af mønstre): Den ene er Trojaborgtypen og den anden er Chartres-typen. Mange labyrint-grundplaner tager udgangspunkt i en af disse to typer. Fælles for disse to labyrint-typer er, at når man er nået ind til målet i midten, så har man været igennem alle gangene. Der er ingen blindgange. Man bliver ligesom ført hele vejen ind og ud. Systemet virker harmonisk. Der er ét kontinuerligt gangforløb.
Klik her, hvis du vil læse mere om de gamle Trojaborg-labyrinter fra Bronzealderen.
Klik her, hvis du vil læse mere om Chartres-labyrinten og andre kirkelabyrinter i Frankrig.
Klik her, hvis du vil læse mere om labyrinter i danske kirker (i form af Kalkmalerier).
Modsat er det med flervejs-labyrinter, som f.eks. hækkelabyrinterne, hvor man kan fare vild, fordi de har blindgange. Der er hele tiden valgmuligheder. Man stilles til stadighed over for afgørelser: Hvor går den rigtige vej til målet?
Labyrinthia har både moderne (flervejs-) labyrinter og historiske (envejs-) labyrinter.
Så gå på opdagelse og bliv forundret over labyrinterne og alt det andet
– for ligesom de bedste spil er konceptet dejlig enkelt – og
Gl. Ryvej 2, Rodelund
DK-8653 Them
Gl. Ryvej 2, Rodelund
DK-8653 Them
At Labyrinthia, you can choose to buy food in the café and eat it indoors or outside on the south-facing terrace.
You can also bring your own food and eat it outside.
We also have two large gas grills, so you can grill your own food if you wish.
NB: There is a free “doggy bar” (fresh water) for our thirsty four-legged guests.
In the café, we offer a delicious selection of food and drinks. Enjoy freshly made sandwiches, hot dogs, fish and chips, barista coffee, slush ice, ice cream, and much more.
Create the ideal setting for your next school event, activity, or gathering with our cozy tent – perfect for outdoor teaching, teacher days, field trips, and more.
The tent accommodates up to 64 people, and you can rent the entire tent for 500 DKK or just half of it (max. 32 people) for 250 DKK, if the tent is shared with another event.
Contact us to learn more about how our tent can be used for your school or institution! Most things can be arranged.
Call us at 86 84 99 44 or send an email to labyrinthia@labyrinthia.dk
In the Puzzle Center, you will find logic games, puzzles, and educational games in various difficulty levels. The old stable building has been converted into a cozy showroom or "Puzzle Center," as we also call it.
With over 50 different tasks and games, there is something for the whole family – from beginners to experienced players. Set aside plenty of time, as it can be hard to tear yourself away from the many exciting challenges once you're started!